Biblical Research & Education Resources Blaine Robison, M.A., M.R.E. |
Preface to Revelation
Writing a commentary on Revelation has been an exciting and illuminating adventure for me. The project began in the winter of 1995 when the adult Sunday School class I teach covered the book of Revelation using standard curriculum that sought to avoid controversial differences between positions on eschatology. I decided to supplement the printed lessons with notes on the original Greek for the class to use during the week. The research that began then turned into a long journey of biblical discovery, but I published the first edition in 2002. Even then I was not done. The subject matter was too interesting to stop researching and writing and even when I thought I was finished more seemed to be needed. What was initially in print form and then in a hyper-linked PDF on CD I have now converted and added to my website for easy viewing and study. Reader will notice that I use the New American Standard Bible (1995 edition) for the basic text of the commentary. The NASB has been my favorite Bible version since my early college days when I took New Testament Greek. I prefer a formal equivalence (literal, "word-for-word"), which makes word studies much easier. Although no translation is perfect, the NASB is very faithful to the Nestle Greek text, which carefully incorporates the reading of the earliest manuscripts. I have made every effort to present a coherent examination of the Scripture text and offer a reasonable methodology for interpreting the meaning of God’s Word. In doing so I make no claim of being a prophet nor do I engage in date setting. The Father did not believe that Yeshua (Jesus) needed to know the date His Second Coming before the mission of His first coming was accomplished (Matt 24:36). Thus, Yeshua could not and would not offer the apostles a date when they asked for one (Matt 24:3; Acts 1:6), nor does the Lord give any hints in this final Revelation. The Father keeps His own secret counsels (Matt 24:36). While believers should be alert to the events that mark the last days and have confidence that all will be fulfilled, Revelation was not given to provide a timetable for amateur soothsayers. Revelation was intended to shake believers from complacency and equip the people of God for living in an unjust world headed for destruction and judgment. For the one willing to hear what the Spirit of God says to the community of believers, there is much to consider for personal discipleship. As for the future, to be forewarned is to be forearmed, for the signs of the times point to the final fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Having worked with attorneys for many years and learned the principle of informed consent, I think it only fair to tell the reader that I take the book of Revelation literally and accept its testimony, along with the rest of the New Testament. The last Antichrist (cf. 1 John 4:3) will appear and initiate a devastating war against the saints, called the great tribulation, followed by the glorious and very public Second Coming of Jesus at which all those who love Him and long for His appearing will be gathered from heaven and earth and transformed with immortal bodies like that of the Lord Jesus when He was raised from the dead. The Father God in Heaven wants His children to know the unvarnished truth about the future and trust in the good news that not only is there light at the end of their suffering, but there is glorious victory! |
Copyright © 2011 by Blaine Robison. All rights reserved. |